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¡OpusClip 3.0 ya está aquí! Generador de b-roll con IA, crea clips de 3 a 15 minutos, plantillas de subtítulos virales y más. Leer más
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¡Presentamos OpusClip Pro Plan! El mismo precio, más funciones y un 50% más de créditos 🎉 Leer más
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¡OpusClip 3.0 ya está aquí! Generador de b-roll con IA, crea clips de 3 a 15 minutos, plantillas de subtítulos virales y más. Leer más
🎉 OpusClip es el ganador del premio Best in Show en el SXSW Pitch 2024 🥳 Leer más
🎉 Join our ClipAnything live webinar at 11:00AM PT, August 9th & get early access.  Register Now→
How SMB marketing agencies save 40+ hours per month while producing 8X more videos with OpusClip

How SMB marketing agencies save 40+ hours per month while producing 8X more videos with OpusClip

hours/month saved on short video creation
avg cost savings per month
avg increase in short video production

Ambitious marketing agencies share a common goal — more eyes on their clients’ content. One of the most effective ways to do that is short-form video. HubSpot’s most recent State of Marketing report revealed that short-form video generates more ROI than any other marketing medium.

Distributed on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels, these attention-grabbing clips are a powerful way to reach new audiences, drive brand awareness, and direct viewers to other compelling content.

The only problem? Social platforms have a never-ending appetite for more videos, and when produced and edited manually, they’re a massive time commitment. The Content Marketing Institute recently reported that sunk time is by far the top challenge for marketers who want to harness this powerful audience-building lever. Plus, for small or one-person teams, spending hours on editing or thousands on a human editor seldom feels like a wise use of resources.

The pressure is on. Agencies want to create stellar growth and results for their clients, but there's only so many human hours in a day. That's where tools like OpusClip come in.

Why OpusClip?

OpusClip's suite of AI-powered video editing tools helps agencies analyze long-form video content, scores certain segments for virality, and pulls them into ready-to-use clips within minutes. With vast native assets like automated captions, branding templates, and in-platform content calendars, we deliver the resources needed to transform video marketing from a hindrance to your competitive advantage.

With OpusClip at the helm of your video marketing strategy, your agency can focus on creative, strategic work that drives lasting growth for all involved parties.

But don't just take our word for it. Check out how our agency partners use OpusClip to supercharge their video output — without adding headcount, devoting valuable time to it themselves, or incurring additional costs.

Get clips in 1 click

Condense your video creation process from hours to minutes

Flip short video production from a time-consuming cost center into an engine of outcomes. Here’s how these agencies save an average of 40+ hours every month with OpusClip.

Tim Morrisette saves 80+ hours per month generating clips for 50+ podcasts

After years of shooting commercials for brands like Farm Bureau Insurance and Local Legends Sports, Morrisette Media owner Tim Morrisette found the perfect niche — podcast production. But he quickly realized that video editing, from choosing the best snippets to manually captioning, took too much time.

“OpusClip is such a staple in my workflow that it’s hard to even quantify how much time I’m saving. I would say at least 20 hours a week.”

OpusClip helps Tim streamline the editing process to such an extent that he now creates 5-10 clips per episode instead of two. The result? Multiple clients’ accounts have grown to over 10K followers, with OpusClip-generated shorts garnering millions of views.

Tim’s client videos posted on social media
Tim Morrisette
“Some big podcasts have one employee who makes clips, creates thumbnails, captions, and uploads. But I’m doing that for 50 shows! That’s why OpusClip changes the game. It’s allowed me to scale and take on more clients.”
Tim Morrisette

Ashley Carty creates videos 600% faster to hop on viral trends when they’re hot

Ashely Carty, a former medical professional, now owns and operates Carty Media, a boutique agency that helps brands by providing done-for-you marketing and branding services. Ashley knew short-form video, especially harnessing virality, was a sure way to build hype and interest. However, manual editing had become a bottleneck, preventing Ashley from delivering the results she knew were possible.

“We don't have time to sit and spend hours editing a video because when you want to jump on virality, you need to jump on it right away.”

Ashley’s content process involves identifying clips that have “legs”: the potential to go viral. Her OpusClip instance analyzes thousands of viral videos in the wild, deciphers common elements among them, and compares those factors against her client’s content. With that data, the platform then automatically assigns a Virality Score that indicates the viral potential of each short clip.

Streamlining the selection of these potentially viral clips shortened Ashley’s production process substantially, and that reclaimed time helped her extend the service to others. Ashley now offers short video production in all her monthly retainer packages and jumps on viral trends while they’re hot.

Ashley’s testimonial video
Ashley Carty
“We’re also able to get so many more videos done for clients in the same amount of time. We’re publishing two to three videos a day instead of three videos a week.”
Ashley Carty

Tom Kühn reduced time spent on short video creation by 30%

Tom Kühn, founder of German content marketing agency TK Arts, faced the challenge of managing extensive post-production tasks — especially creating short, engaging clips from his clients’ long-form video content, like podcasts and interviews.

“Normally, creating shorts from a 60-minute podcast would take at least 2 hours with cutting clips, color correcting, captioning, and adding logos. With OpusClip, I upload the video, choose a few settings, click Start, and I have the results.”

Tom uses OpusClip to upload long-form videos and generate optimized clips that highlight their strongest hooks, all in a fraction of the time it took before onboarding the tool. This enhanced workflow not only reduces time spent on short video creation by 30% but also ensures every clip is primed for maximum engagement on social media.

Tom Kühn
“OpusClip completely changed our approach to short video creation. Many agencies offer video content in our region, but our clients continue to love what we deliver using the tool.”
Tom Kühn

Juliana Barbati slashed editing times from 3 hours to 5 minutes per video

A top 0.5% podcaster herself, Juliana Barbati helps her clients reach growth goals through full-service podcast management, personalized coaching, and strategic planning. On top of running her business, Juliana is a mom of three, so efficiency is everything. Before OpusClip, Juliana’s video editor would take at least three hours to generate short promotional clips from a one-hour podcast episode.

“Since using OpusClip, video editing is like night and day. When I did this manually, we’d budget double or triple the video’s length for editing — that’s 2-3 hours for a one-hour video. In OpusClip, that takes 5-10 minutes.”

Juliana now gets contextualized clips served up instead of having an employee watch hours of footage to find the best, most passionate quotes. Now, her agency can invest more time in creative work — all while growing its client base and keeping the tight-knit, cozy team structure Juliana values.

Juliana Barbati
“Now, I give my video editor other projects to work on that do require human attention. It’s freed up so much time for creativity, keeping our team small while serving more clients and delivering high-quality work.”
Juliana Barbati

Save thousands on editing costs with a suite of AI-powered tools

Margins at agencies are notoriously tight. The more marketers adopt automation tools like OpusClip, the more we expect that to change. Consider these three agencies. Their teams are saving an average of $3,333 every month with OpusClip.

Gareth Martindale’s agency saves $60,000 per year on short video creation with OpusClip

Creative design agency Sherbert Lemon excels in concept-driven brand strategy, bringing visionary founders’ dreams to life through design. But for founder and CEO Gareth Martindale, tedious and manual video-editing processes consumed so much of his teams’ skills, time, and attention that they had to pass up other growth opportunities.

“At our current client volume, OpusClip saves us 1.5x a video editor's salary, or £60,000 annually. Plus, you can bank your hours with OpusClip. You can’t do that with full-time staff — you need to keep them working.”

Instead of manually editing shorts, Sherbert Lemon automates clip generation with OpusClip, and the team collaboratively critiques and refines them for maximum quality. This process is so much faster that Sherbert Lemon now uses clip creation as part of its pitching process, creating sample clips from clients’ existing content to close deals.

Gareth’s testimonial video
Gareth Martindale
“We quickly took a podcast the client had created over a year ago, put it into OpusClip, and presented them with four quality Reels. They were really impressed, and now we’re making sample Reels part of our pitch process.”
Gareth Martindale

Christoph Trappe reroutes $2,000 a month from video editing services to R&D

In his role as Director of Content Strategy at Grow Getter, Christoph Trappe enables brands in the market research space to reach their growth goals by publishing content like podcasts and articles.

“I'm a big believer in return on effort. The more time and money required for editing, the more return I need from it. But since it's so quick with OpusClip, I have more room for experimentation. My return doesn't have to be as high as if I were spending $2,000 per month on an editor.”

With OpusClip’s AI curation feature, Christoph can produce short clips from his clients’ podcast episodes without needing a human editor. That’s empowered his team to produce more videos, learn and improve quickly, and take risks to find what works. Christoph loves choosing different OpusClip templates for his various clients and projects, giving each a distinct identity.

Perhaps most impactful, though, has been the file formatting flexibility he’s leveraged, which makes diverse channel distribution much more doable than before he had the tool.

Christoph’s testimonial video
Christoph Trappe
“With OpusClip, reformatting is so easy — I can take a 9:16 video for LinkedIn and then resize it for TikTok and Instagram Reels. I could never have done that without paying an editor back in the day.”
Christoph Trappe

Giuseppe Quarata saves $3,000+ per month on short video creation

Quarata Consulting is a full-service marketing agency offering entrepreneurs and businesses multiple paths to success. Owner Giuseppe Quarata offers everything from personalized marketing and business coaching to SEO, digital advertising, and video production services. Videos, especially short-form clips, are an integral part of Giuseppe’s content offerings, used in ads, social media marketing, and more.

“A good video editor is paid at least $30-50 per hour, and they’d take about five hours per video to make the shorts. With OpusClip, it’s closer to one hour. I’m saving at least $750 each week because I do multiple videos.”

With OpusClip, Giuseppe is given what he calls the “right moment” to share with audiences — instead of spending valuable time sorting through transcripts to find it. From there, he leverages the platform’s customizable templates for his clients, which are pre-loaded (by him) with the brands’ logos, fonts, and colors. In short, Giuseppe generates the content he needs quickly and affordably without sacrificing the high quality and custom, branded feel his clients expect.

Giuseppe Quarata
“OpusClip helps us generate 5-10 shorts from a 60 to 90-minute video that we can use on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. It’s an incredibly seamless process and has been a game changer for our agency.”
Giuseppe Quarata

Scale your short video production by 8X and beyond

If output is holding back your agency’s growth, consider the new relationships you could be building and nurturing with the extra time and capital covered in the stories above. Here’s how three agencies are leveraging their reclaimed resources, ultimately producing an average of 8x more videos every month with OpusClip.

Vanessa Silva started creating shortsX for the first time — now she publishes 10+ each month

Freelance marketer Vanessa Silva operates like a one-person agency, helping businesses and entrepreneurs improve their online presence to find opportunities. A natural creator of long-form content, Vanessa realized that she was missing out on a rich opportunity: giving her audiences quick, easily digestible content bites between her deep dives. 

“It took so long to create a 15 to 30-second video that it didn’t feel worth it, and I was frustrated. With OpusClip, I went from not producing any short videos to making at least 10 per month. That's bringing a lot more eyes to my content.”

With OpusClip, Vanessa started producing clips for TikTok and YouTube Shorts from her long-form videos, scheduling them in advance to save time. Immediately, Vanessa noticed that OpusClip shorts tended to identify and win more virality than those she produced herself, getting as many as 30x the number of views.

Vanessa’s videos posted on social media
Vanessa Silva
“As a content creator, I know repurposing content is important. OpusClip helps ensure that my content gets a second life and reaches new people I wouldn't usually reach.”
Vanessa Silva

Stephanie Pliha produces 4X more short-form videos with OpusClip

Through her boutique agency, Tribe Consulting, Stephanie Pliha empowers MedTech startups to reach their goals through brand storytelling and go-to-market strategy. Originally, Stephanie wanted to leverage short-form videos to get more mileage on social for her own podcast content. But when she saw how well it worked, she had an idea: could her OpusClip “magic” be scaled to help her offer short-form video content to clients, too?

At the time, client demand was high, but producing the content took so much time that Stephanie was forced to offer video and non-video packages at different pricing tiers.

“Before using OpusClip, video editing was a huge time suck, and at $500 per week for an editor, it wasn’t a huge ROI. At the time, we did maybe three to five videos a week in total. Now, it’s 10 to 20 per week across all our clients.”

With her new skills using OpusClip, Stephanie now generates video clips for nearly all her clients — those with big budgets and those who are strapped for cash and unable to afford an entirely human editor. She’s been able to reserve high-touch video editing work for more custom projects and has stopped spending on expensive video editing tools she used before.

Stephanie Pliha
“We work with a lot of startups who couldn't afford our prior video editing package. Now, we take any long-form content they have, like a Zoom, YouTube, or Vimeo link, drop it into OpusClip, and let it do its magic. It’s so fast that we now offer this to a majority of our social clients.”
Stephanie Pliha

Taylor Marek 10Xed his agency’s video output with OpusClip

Steadfast Social Media helps local Wisconsin-based businesses build an online presence, establishing founders as thought leaders via compelling content. Before OpusClip, CEO Taylor Marek handled video editing himself, generating short, engaging clips from clients’ podcasts. Taylor knew this wasn’t a good use of his time; choosing clips, editing them, and adding subtitles could easily take hours.

“OpusClip has scaled our output tenfold. I get to schedule more content for clients, which frees me up to network with more clients and businesses. The most valuable commodity is time. I'd rather have OpusClip take care of editing so it can be spent on being productive in other areas.”

With OpusClip, Taylor automates much of this video marketing work, producing 10x as many clips in just 10 minutes. Finally freed up to spend more time and attention growing his client base, Taylor is back in the driver’s seat of his business, navigating an exciting, rich market instead of drowning in production and editing tasks.

Taylor Marek
“I'm able to go and talk to other businesses that might need help and make a sale with them. That wouldn't have happened if I couldn’t have those conversations because I was caught up in video editing.”
Taylor Marek

Ready to level up your video marketing workflow with OpusClip?

See why 6M+ creators, brands, and agencies trust OpusClip with their video marketing strategies.